Wishing for More Will Leave You Empty and Unfulfilled

Practice gratitude in everything you do

Jason Weiland
7 min readJan 27, 2024


created in Midjourney

Today I noticed a disturbing truth in the way we humans live our lives. It is a fundamental flaw in how we interact with everything around us and the people we have chosen to love.

It all started by looking at my own life choices and then considering the alternative paths my wife has walked. After that, I dug around on Google, snooped into other people’s stories, and came up with a disquieting trend.

It doesn’t matter how much money, love, power, or luck we have or how much we have accomplished — most of us will never find satisfaction or feel fulfilled in our lifetimes.

Why are we always looking at the greener grass on the other side of the fence? How many times have you seen the meme that says, “Remember when you wished for what you have now,” and ignored it because it didn’t apply to you?

Why are we always wishing for more and different and are never satisfied with the reality that we have created out of life’s chaos?

Why is more never enough?

I Was Never Happy with Anything I Had

I was searching for most of my young adult life, and as hard as I looked for something to make my life…



Jason Weiland

Personal essays and articles from a guy who never tires of writing about his life - jasonweiland.substack.com