I am American, But I Don’t Want to Live in the U.S.A.

Does that upset you?

Jason Weiland
5 min readFeb 28, 2019
Let’s all bless America. (Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash)

Do you get butthurt when people say bad things about America? Or, do you have an open mind and realize that even though America is a great place, some problems need addressing. And, yes, Donald Trump is terrible, but these things have been going on for a hell of a long time.

As much as we would like, you can’t blame him for everything.

I’m talking about racism, the out of control gun culture, the wealth gap, the issues that capitalism creates, entitlement, rudeness, snobbery, religion interfering in government, nationalism, Republicans, Democrats, the rich running everything and making it impossible for the little guy to succeed and teaming up with the government to screw the people, everyone being overly litigious, anti-vaxxers, lobbyists, corporations (in general), and Mitch McConnell.

Should I go on?

What I’m trying to say is the United States is not a perfect place, and if you are one of those people who cry when someone says anything bad about the country, I don’t know if we can be friends.

If you are one of those people, I ask that you stop reading. Don’t comment, don’t clap. I am going to talk about my personal feelings about leaving my home in the States and finding a new and…



Jason Weiland

Personal essays and articles from a guy who never tires of writing about his life - jasonweiland.substack.com