Are You an Online Writer With “Content Fatigue?”

Burnout will kill any amount of success you achieve

Jason Weiland
8 min readDec 18, 2023


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“Another shitty article?”

“It’s not shitty, and besides, I need to be publishing multiple times a day or Medium won’t push my stuff,” I said in the snooty way I have when I don’t want someone to know they offended me.

“But you are burnt out. You don’t even realize the articles you write are absolute garbage!”

“They aren’t garbage and I’m not burnt out!”

“Oh yeah? You are so burnt out that you don’t even realize you are talking to yourself again. Maybe you should get away from your desk for a while and at the very least slow down publishing this nonsense.”

I am not talki…. Oh.”

I know more about “content fatigue” than the average writer. I got to a point where I was so burnt out from writing every day and publishing that I quit and didn’t look back.

I started publishing on Medium every day in October 2018. I had been doing freelance writing and web design up until that time but was growing tired of dealing with clients who wanted everything for nothing and expected the world on an oyster in a day.



Jason Weiland
Jason Weiland

Written by Jason Weiland

Personal essays and articles from a guy who never tires of writing about his life -

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